A new Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda based on a co-design process

The ARCHE Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda (SRIA) will take over the JPI CH 2020 SRIA and be the masterplan for future research and innovation activities on cultural heritage in Europe, including joint calls. As a strategy document, it shall ensure that ARCHE long-term vision is translated into concrete roadmaps with measurable objectives. It will be the result of a thorough collaborative approach that shall draw from the ARCHE Stakeholders’ Forum consultations.

Composed of whole range of cultural heritage and research and innovation actors in Europe and beyond, ARCHE Stakeholders’ Forum is open to all: research and academic communities, policymakers, NGOs, EU/international initiatives, communities of practice, Cultural and Creative Sector professionals, Cultural Heritage professionals, innovators, and funding agencies. The ARCHE SRIA will be elaborated, validated, and published through a co-design process based on constant online and formal exchanges between the ARCHE partners, the countries’ representatives and the Stakeholders’ Forum.

Designing the ARCHE SRIA

The first step in this process was to analyse and assess the current and future needs of the cultural heritage research and innovation landscape. It considered WP1 Mapping and Assessment report Priorities and Policy Scenarios for EU action in Cultural Heritage conclusions, reassessed the JPI CH 2020 SRIA priorities areas, and conducted a Foresight analysis. The Foresight analysis determined future needs corresponding to longer-term effects in the cultural heritage research and innovation fields and ended by an expert stakeholders workshop. This resulted in the Report on future trends on Cultural Heritage R&I.

Three Stakeholders’ virtual workshops then led the second step towards the SRIA. They took over three different methods to develop a shared Vision and Mission for ARCHE and the key recommendations for the ARCHE SRIA: Driver mapping, SWOT Analysis, and Visioning.

To finalise the ARCHE SRIA design, three Stakeholders’ workshops will be organised in a physical mode allowing more formal consultations with stakeholders about the future ARCHE SRIA priorities areas.

  • First Stakeholders workshop in Berlin in April 2024 to validate the ARCHE Vision and Mission
  • Second Stakeholders’ workshop in Florence in September 2024 to validate the ARCHE SRIA structure and priorities.
  • Third and final Stakeholders’ workshop in Vienna in March 2025 to launch the ARCHE SRIA