About the events
Based on the results and recommendations of a landscape assessment in the first months of the project and the Foresight study, this series of three stakeholders’ virtual workshops aimed at developing a shared vision and mission of ARCHE and the key trends and recommendations for the ARCHE SRIA.
The work addressed the JPI Cultural Heritage SRIA 2020 as a whole, while adapting its themes to the long-term future scenario investigated in the Foresight study, to produce the Vision and Mission of ARCHE by April 2024.
Three virtual workshops have been organised by UKRI-AHRC:
- Virtual workshop 1 was held on Wednesday 7 June 2023. It built on the driver mapping of ARCHE Task 2.1, refining the drivers identified and identifying major trends which need to be factored when developing the Vision and Mission for ARCHE.
- Virtual workshop 2 was held on Tuesday 11 July 2023. This focused on the development of a SWOT analysis of the JPI CH Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda.
- Virtual workshop 3 (Annex 1) was held on Tuesday 5 September 2023. This visioning workshop used the results of the first two workshops and analysed vision and missions for existing EU partnerships in order to understand the possibilities for the Vision and Mission for ARCHE.
ARCHE members, along with ARCHE/JPI CH Advisory Board and Scientific Group members as well as representatives from broader stakeholders from the cultural heritage sector were invited to attend.
Driver Mapping workshop – 07/06/2023
The method of Driver Mapping is used to identify the Political, Research, Economic, Societal, Technological, Environmental and Legislative drivers (PRESTEL) that are most important for the future of the ARCHE SRIA, and to distinguish between certain and uncertain outcomes resulting from the action of those drivers.
This workshop delved delve into conclusions coming from the analysis of current and future needs, considering also cross-cutting themes such as: post-COVID-19 pandemic scenarios, contribution of CH to the Agenda 2030 Sustainable Development Goals, the green transition including the new European Bauhaus, social inclusion, disaster risk reduction, the role of socio-economic sciences and the humanities, the role and participation of the cultural and creative sectors and industries, new (digital) technologies including Earth Observation data and products, the facilitation of technology transfer and valorisation of R&I achievements.
SWOT Analysis workshop – 11/07/2023
Drawing on the results of the driver mapping exercise, this workshop undertook a SWOT analysis of the JPI CH SRIA 2020 and discussed the needs for change in order to develop a forward vision for the ARCHE SRIA. This methodology allows to map out issues in terms of Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats.
Visioning workshop – 05/09/2023
Building on the two previous workshops’ results, this one used the Visioning method to create a set of common aims and objectives for the ARCHE SRIA and to describe what the future will look like if they are delivered. The workshop laid out the vision of success for the ARCHE SRIA, the current reality, the steps required to achieve the vision and mission of ARCHE.