We are thrilled to present a recap of the 4th User Meeting Event, an illuminating online gathering that unfolded on October 10th, 2023, at 3:00 PM (Rome Time Zone), meticulously organized by HS Academy in partnership with the Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage and Global Change (JPI-CH). This captivating event delved into the JPI CH-fundedproject WOODPDLAKE dealing with Wooden Pile Dwellings (WPD) in volcanic and karstic lakes, a subject of significant historical and archaeological importance.

Prof. Manuela Romagnoli, coordinator of WOODPDLAKE and key-speaker at the event, spearheaded the proceedings by introducing us to the results carried out through the project which focuses on ancient structures submerged in Mediterranean volcanic and karstic lakes. Wooden pile dwellings serve as sources of insight into landscape evolution and the cultural activities of bygone eras. While significant investigations have been conducted in Alpine areas, a pressing need for research persists in understanding the context of these submerged structures in different geographical settings.

The project has identified three fascinating case studies, namely Lake Banyoles in Spain, and Lakes Bolsena and Mezzano in Italy. These sites have been carefully selected for their unique characteristics, including the influence of agricultural practices on climatic stress and pollution impact, making them ideal testbeds for the research.

For those who missed the event or wish to revisit Manuela Romagnoli’s comprehensive presentation, the recorded session is available on YouTube at the following link: Watch Here.

The 4th User Meeting Event was the beginning of a series of webinars organized by HS Academy to showcase JPI-CH funded projects. Two more sessions are programmed for the 14th of November and the 12th of December. Each webinar will analyse the impact and the results of JPI CH projects.

To stay informed about these upcoming events, we encourage you to regularly check the Heritage Research Hub and the HS Academy Events Portal. These platforms will provide you with the latest updates on our cultural heritage webinars and JPI-CH project presentations.

We look forward to your participation in our upcoming events!