the Joint Research Centre has launched the second call for Scientific Traineeships. Interested applicants will have the opportunity to conduct a five month traineeship in a stimulating, multicultural and multi-disciplinary research environment, at the heart of Europe. The current call envisages a five month traineeship, starting October 2022. Candidates can apply to a variety of scientific fields, including two more generalists profiles. More information can be found on the EPSO website. Applications must be submitted via the JRC dedicated portal.

Practical Information

Deadline: 31/05/2022 – 23:59(Brussels time)

Location(s): Geel (Belgium), Ispra (Italy), Karlsruhe (Germany), Petten (The Netherlands)

Institution/Agency: Joint Research Centre

Who can apply: Nationals of the Member States of the EU or of  the   countries  associated  to  the Research  Framework  Programmes.

Duration: 3 to 5 months.

Paid: Yes. Amount depending on place of recruitment.

Starting Dates: October 2022.