Early applications for the 10th Academic year (2024-2025) of MSc CultTech are now open!!!
Early application deadline: March 15th, 2024
Duration: 3 semesters
Tuition fees: 4000 €
Location: Kalamata, Greece
Official language: English
ECTS: 90 credits
Apply until March 15th, 2024 to:
– Receive an early response to your application
– Have a 20% discount on all summer activities of the Laboratory of Archaeometry in 2023 (Pylos Geoarchaeological Program, edu-CULT and e-CULT)
Studies in the interdisciplinary field of Archaeological Science aim to bridge the gap between archaeology and the physical sciences. CultTech MSc is designed to provide broad but detailed knowledge in theory and practical experience in the major applications of science in archaeology.
CultTech MSc runs for nine consecutive years as a collaboration between the Department of History, Archaeology and Cultural Resources Management (University of the Peloponnese), National Center for Scientific Research “Demokritos”, National Observatory of Athens
CultTech students will be a part of a diverse and multi-national group and will be given the opportunity to use a wide range of specialist facilities and collections, while being taught by internationally recognized, research-oriented academic staff. They can use the course to obtain broad expertise in the field, or to specialize in areas such as materials analysis, cultural heritage management, field prospection, reconstruction of objects and sites, etc.
A key issue for CultTech is its orientation towards hands-on research thus offering post-graduate research training and the potential of the implementation of a thesis project closely related or within ongoing research projects.
Learn more on how to apply here.
Find more at our website: http://culttech.uop.gr/
Feel free to contact as at: culttech@go.uop.gr