Heritage Interpretation is a structured approach to non-formal learning, specialized in making visitors’ experience meaningful and unforgettable.

In this three-day course, participants will familiarize themselves with theprinciples of quality heritage interpretation and will practice how to use interpretation on their own sites. Through interactive exercises, group work, presentations and discussions,
participants will learn how to turn phenomena into experiences, provoke resonance in visitors of heritage sites, offer paths to deeper meaning and foster respect for all heritage, as well as how to give and receive feedback to and from their peers.

Participants will have the opportunity to obtain a certificate of attendance from the Heritage Management Organisation. To do so, they will be asked to fully participate in all parts of the course, develop a presentation (oral or written) following the principles of heritage interpretation, present a peer-review exercise, complete a short written test and deliver a homework task under the guidance of the instructor.

The workshop’s instructor, Valya Stergioti, is a freelance interpretivetrainer and planner. She has more than 20 years of experience on organizing and implementing interpretive workshops about heritage for adults and children. She works in collaboration with different NGOs and other institutions all over Greece and has more than 10 years’ experience in adult training. As Interpret Europe’s Training Coordinator, along with the members of the Training Team, she is responsible for the creation and
implementation of a quality, interpretive training program that will meet the needs of heritage professionals from all over Europe. Valya is inspired bythe influence that heritage interpretation can have on individuals and isalways looking for new ways to enrich and improve her training activities.


Only scholarship holders are accepted to this workshop. There is funding available for qualified candidates.

Scholarships cover the majority of the tuition fees, except for participants’ contribution.