UPDATE: This workshop will now be delivered on January 27th -29th 2023 due to unforeseen events. As a result, we are still accepting applications until December 1st.


The key to effective word-based Heritage Interpretation is written text that grabs and holds the reader’s attention. During this 3-day online course participants will discover and practice a wide range of techniques to engage visitors and master the techniques of interpretive writing.

Participants will strive to become a HERITΛGE-accredited Interpretive Writer, after successfully completing, and being assessed on the following exercises:

1. Developing a strong theme for a piece of interpretive writing
Turning a poorly-written and laid out heritage graphic panel into agood example of interpretive writing and panel presentation

Editing and rewriting a complicated interpretive graphic panel utilizing the principles of interpretive writing and the importance of plain language

Preparing an original piece of interpretive writing and draft graphic panel, incorporating the techniques taught in the course.

In addition to the tasks above, participants will take part in a range ofother exciting activities. This includes a virtual visit to a cultural site to see how it is interpreted – and creating a new graphic panel for it. Participants will also write a creative interpretive text about their chosen heritage feature based around Elefsina/Eleusis, a town significant in Greek history on the outskirts of Athens.

The course’s instructor, Steven Richards-Price, is a heritage interpreter with many years of practical experience working for natural resources agencies in Wales, UK. In his part-time role with Natural Resources Wales as Visitor Experience Specialist Advisor, he connects people with state-owned forests and National Nature Reserves. He is a former:

• Chair of the UK Association for Heritage Interpretation (AHI)

• Interpret Europe Supervisory Committee Member

• Interpret Europe Training Team member/Trainer

• Vice-Chair of Interpret Wales.

He ran this as a physically-attended course in Elefsina for three years, with excellent feedback from participants. In 2020, due to the global pandemic, the course was offered online for the first time. Following the success of the online course since then we are pleased to announce that we will be running it again this year.

Funding & Scholarships:  Only scholarship holders are accepted to this workshop. Scholarships cover the majority of the tuition fees, except for participants’ contribution. Benefactors’ scholarships of the Heritage Management Organization
for participation will be available for qualified candidates.

Application Deadline: 1st December 2022. APPLY NOW!