EU Heritage is a transnational project developed under Erasmus + EU program (Sector Skills Alliance for Design and Delivery of VET) coordinated by Materahub and addressing: professionals working in the field of heritage promotion, valorisation, exploitation, mediation and interpretation.

Introduction to the course

The course offers a professional training for the cultural heritage professionals, current and future, focused on digital and soft skills as well as skills connected to “experience tourism” in the field of cultural heritage. In this regard, the learners shall develop knowledge and skills in the following areas:

  • Creating a link between Cultural Heritage and Experience tourism for local development
  • Designing an innovative Visitor Experience
  • Knowing and applying digital strategies and tools for cultural heritage
  • Adopting an entrepreneurial approach for cultural heritage
  • Learning about sustainability, project evaluation and impact measurement
  • Being familiar with policies and best practices in the context of Cultural Heritage and Tourism
  • Knowing about different Competence frameworks and lifelong learning
  • Community building, participating and interacting with peers in an online environment.

Moreover, this course will be an excellent platform to work with the EU Heritage Experience Design Canvas which will be the practical tool with which the participants of the course will be able to operate in their territories in real cases and/or exercises.

Who is this course for?

  • Active professionals of the relevant field of Cultural Heritage and Tourism
  • Students or graduates, who wish to advance their knowledge and be competent in the field of Cultural Heritage and Tourism.

Any working experience in the sector will be helpful but is not compulsory.

What will you achieve?

Learners will be able to know more and build up their digital and soft skills as well as their transferable and digital competences, towards the Heritage Promotion, Valorisation, Exploitation, Mediation and Interpretation.

Structure of the course

  • 10 hours of learning per week
  • 5 modules organised around thematic areas
  • Online digital training material
  • Open discussions in Module’s forum
  • Interactive Social platform with peers, tutors and stakeholders

Modules of the course

  • Module 1 – Cultural heritage and experience tourism for local development
  • Module 2 – Design an innovative visitor experience
  • Module 3 – Digital strategies and tools for cultural heritage
  • Module 4 – Entrepreneurial approach for cultural heritage
  • Module 5 – Sustainability, impact measurement and project evaluation

How to earn the certificate of EUHeritage course?

Upon completion of the online course and succeeding in at least the 45% of both learning material and of graded activities (quizzes), learners will be able to achieve the Certificate of Completion. The EUHeritage Online Course offers 20 ECTS credits and the evaluation will be according to EU tools. Open badges will be awarded to learners after the successful completion of each Module.

National Pilots

Following the international course, the National Pilots will take place between September and November in the partner countries. Those who participate in the international online course will be entitled to apply for the selection of the national pilots, which represent a practical workshop in addition to the theory that will be learned on the platform during the online course.


The Call for the EUHeritage online course is now open! Applications are welcome before 26th May 2021 (23:59 CET).

Apply here!