Project facts

Duration: 2016-12-01 - 2019-11-30
Project consortium: Technicka Univerzita V Kosiciach (SK), Universidad de Malaga (ES), Vianet SRL (IT), Imperial College of Science Technology and Medicine (UK), X Team Software Solutions Societa a responsabilita limitata semplificata (IT), Piraeus Bank Group Cultural Foundation (GR), Vychodoslovenske Muzeum y Kosiciach (SK), Clio Muse Etairia Anaptixis Efarmogon Gia ton Politismo ike (GR)
Funding bodies: H2020-EU. - Study European heritage, memory, identity, integration and cultural interaction and translation, including its representations in cultural and scientific collections, archives and museums, to better inform and understand the present by richer interpretations of the past
Subject areas: Community involvement, ICT tools, Mediation - Education
Budget: € 2 374 437,50


PLUGGY addresses the need of the society to be actively involved in cultural heritage activities, not only as an observer, but also as a maintainer, creator and a major influencing factor.

A heritage that is everywhere, and relevant to everyday life, is one of the preconditions for genuine sustainability. Currently, there are not adequate ICT tools to support citizens in their everyday activities in shaping cultural heritage and be shaped by it. Existing applications and repositories for heritage dissemination do not really create heritage communities. Social platforms certainly offer potential to build networks, but they have not been exploited yet with regards to cultural heritage promotion and integration in people’s everyday life.

PLUGGY, the Pluggable Social Platform for Heritage Awareness and Participation, aims to bridge this gap by providing the necessary tools to allow users to share their local knowledge and everyday experience with others, together with the contribution of cultural institutions, building extensive networks around a common area interest, connecting the past, the present and the future.

Impacts & Results

PLUGGY’s novel technologies are expected to enable the citizens of Europe, even in its less developed regions, to be actively involved in cultural heritage activities: this will allow a better understanding of their local surroundings and relations with far-away cultures.

Through their cooperation and interaction, the users of the PLUGGY social platform and its pluggable applications will be able to develop a common cultural and intellectual heritage of Europe and to participate in the shaping of an overall European culture landscape.

PLUGGY’s strong effects on:

  • Society: PLUGGY promotes wider understanding of heritage and recognises that objects and places are not, in themselves, what is important about cultural heritage, but rather the meanings and uses that people attach to them and the values they represent.
  • Economic Growth & Sustainability: PLUGGY improves innovation capacity and integration of new knowledge. Through its smart technologies, appealing and accessible by all, it will mobilise vivid economic sectors i.e. tourism and the creative industries, indirectly promoting local development and entrepreneurship.
  • Environment: PLUGGY promotes cultural diversity. Culture, like Nature, needs diversity to thrive. Understanding and promoting diversity in culture will inevitably promote ecological awareness.
  • Heritage & EU: PLUGGY’s crowdsourcing and Social Platform approach enables more participative, democratic and creative cultural heritage actions, a key objective of European Agenda for Culture.