Project facts

Duration: 2020-03-13 - 2023-03-12
Project coordinator: Goethe-Institut Brussels
Project consortium: Goethe-Institut, IETM, European Cultural Foundation, University of Siena
Funding bodies: Foreign Policy Instrument (FPI), European Commission
Subject areas: Community involvement, Education and Training, Policies, Sustainability
Budget: N/A


The Cultural Relations Platform is an EU-funded project that connects cultural practitioners worldwide for dialogue, exchange and co-operation. It also provides expertise to the European Union (EU) in the field of international cultural relations.

The Platform is implemented by a consortium of four organisations: the Goethe-Institut Brussels (the consortium leader); the European Cultural Foundation; the International Network for Contemporary Performing Arts and the University of Siena.

The Cultural Relations Platform:

  • Develops research into the cultural and creative sectors in countries around the world
  • Facilitates co-operation and networking between cultural practitioners within and outside the EU including cultural organisations, private foundations and the civil society sector
  • Provides advice and expertise to EU institutions and EU delegations all over the world
  • Strengthens the capacity of cultural practitioners globally to deliver international cultural relations, through local conferences, workshops and training, and its Global Cultural Relations Programme

By doing so, it builds awareness of the importance of international cultural relations, as a means of sharing knowledge, increasing understanding between different cultures and contributing to economic, human and social development as well as to peace and conflict mitigation.

Impacts & Results

The Platform’s mission is to strengthen the EU’s ability to engage meaningfully with different audiences and stakeholders in its partner countries, through enhanced cultural relations and cultural cooperation.


Cross-Border Cooperation for Museums - From a Project Idea to a Successful Proposal: A Toolkit
2021 | Margherita Sani | Pages: 74
Margherita Sani, The Network of European Museum Organisations (2021) Cross-Border Cooperation for Museums - From a Project Idea to a Successful Proposal: A Toolkit ABSTRACT: The toolkit aims to help museums, museum associations and other cultural organisations across Europe to better access EU funding and increase their international activities. The toolkit gives an overview of the benefits of international cooperation and the existing funding opportunities. With the toolkit, NEMO wants to increase the number of museums participating in EU funding programmes.