Project facts
Organization of the 8th EC Conference on Cultural Heritage Research in Ljubljana in 2008 is proposed. Its main objectives are in accordance with the ones addressed in the Call: to foster exploitation and spin off of EU research results, through the demonstration of new technologies, tools and devices developed by the SMEs and industry in close cooperation with the scientists and for the benefit of the end-users, conservators and restorers, managers and owners of the cultural patrimony. The objectives will be reached by the oral presentations, posters, demonstration activities and training workshops, focusing on the presentation of the research results relating to the movable and immovable cultural heritage, landscapes and archaeology, policy impact assessment, technology and knowledge transfer, including education and life-long learning in the field of cultural heritage
Impacts & Results
Special attention will be devoted to the integration of the EC funded research with the other supporting schemes, in particular COST and Eureka, as well as pooling of expertise of the key players in the field, such as ECTP-FACH, ICOM-CC, ICOMOS, EUROPA NOSTRA, and others. Dissemination activities will heavily rely on the IT technologies and will include pre-conference proceedings with extended abstracts, a web page and post conference prints containing the conference statement, invited talks (from the opening ceremony and the programme sessions) and rapports from the sessions. Special attention will be dedicated to communication of the results to the public, which will be achieved by dedicated web-pages, well prepared press releases and targeted public relations.
Cover image "A Vision for European Cultural Heritage 2025, May 2018, Varna, Bulgaria" by Sebastiaan ter Burg is marked with CC BY 2.0.