October marks the beginning of a very intense period of meetings and events for the PROCULTHER-NET Community, which will share the objectives of this initiative and promote the engagement of new members in this thematic community on the protection of cultural heritage at risk of disaster within the Knowledge Network – KN. Here below a snapshot of the main exchange and growing opportunities for PROCULTHER-NET Community planned for this month:

Today 5 October 2022, the project will intervene in the Workshop on “Cultural Heritage Fire Safety” jointly organised by the Italian National Fire and Rescue Service and the National Fire Protection Association – NFPA, a global self-funded non-profit organization established in 1896, and in cooperation with the Association of Engineers of Rome. At the event, experts from the National Fire and Rescue Service and the Italian Ministry of Culture -MiC will share the floor with international speakers for comparing the approaches for fire safety of historic buildings: their damage reduction plan and related management aspects, the technical fire prevention standards and cultural heritage safety at national and international level. PROCULTHER-NET Intervention is scheduled for 13h, click here to follow the event live. Video will be available on https://www.vigilfuoco.tv

Next 12 October 2022, PROCULTHER-NET will be at the “Round table on the EU’s Approach to Cultural Heritage in Conflict and Crises: Best Practices and Lessons Identified” organised by the EU Institute for Security Studies – EUISS and Culture Solutions in Brussels. Experts gathered will take stock of EU actions in the field of cultural heritage protection in crises, collect a set of good practices (including intra-EU coordination) and pave the way for future actions, in light of recent challenges and threats against cultural heritage and peace. PROCULTHER-NET will contribute to the debate on the EU’s Approach to Cultural Heritage in Conflict and Crises as initiative aimed at strengthening the cultural heritage pillar of the Union Civil Protection Mechanism-UCPM through the establishment of a thematic community on the protection of cultural heritage at risk of disaster within the Union Civil Protection Knowledge Network-KN.

Concept Note and Agenda “Round table on the EU’s Approach to Cultural Heritage in Conflict and Crises: Best Practices and Lessons Identified”

On 13 October 2022 the Center and Search Restoration Musées de France (C2RMF) together with Service des musées de France in Paris are hosting the workshop Agir Face aux Inondations”. PROCULTHER-NET will be promoted among the national experts and stakeholders participating to this journée d’étude  that will take stock of how this risk has been taken into account in the protection systems against floods developed by cultural heritage institutions. Virtual attendance possible upon registration, click here for more details.

On 14 October experts attending the 8th Meeting of the Commission’s Expert Group on Cultural Heritage, convened in Brussels by the European Commission Directorate-General for Education, Youth, Sport and Culture – DG EAC, will be updated the on the progresses made by PROCULTHER and its outcomes bringing PROCULTHER-NET closer to build the thematic community for protecting cultural heritage at risk of disaster.

On 17 October PROCULTHER-NET will virtually take part to PREVENT– an International Symposium on Mitigating Fire Risk for Heritage, organised by ICCROM, in collaboration with the Ministry of Culture and Media, Republic of Croatia, the City of Trogir, the Croatian Firemen Association and the Public Fire Brigade of the City of Trogir. In addition, the Symposium will showcase 9 field projects implemented in 8 countries: Brazil, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Ireland, Israel, Nigeria and Palestine. Virtual attendance possible upon registration, click here for more details.