As a current manufacturer of custom size hermetically sealed anoxic enclosures, minoxy LLC, for the preservation of art and artifacts in inert gasses I have undertaken a variant project to manufacture ready-made versions what would be affordable to just about every museum, library, and archive.
The enclosure is made from real glass and sheet metal and can have inert gas flushed into the enclosure without expensive equipment. An alternative is to insert oxygen and other absorber products into the enclosure. The enclosure is reusable with a sealed life of about 20 years before recharging with inert gas. A realistic selling price would start at about €200 + VAT for a 430mm x 530mm x 25mm enclosure.
I have shown my designs at two AIC conferences for feedback purposes. I was also at the Tate Conference of 2011 and am in contact with a scientist who did the microfading research. The budget is for setting up production of the ready-made enclosures.
Up until my product design was developed, the standard method for most enclosures was to take a block of metal and mill a cavity into which art can be stored and displayed. This is a very costly and wasteful process. The American concept for the Library of Congress and the National Archives costs were in the millions of dollars for each enclosure. The Tate Museums version never got off the ground.
These prices make the acquisition if such equipment/displays out of reach of most end-users. Fabricating with sheet metal is a much cheaper solution. I have been granted one American Utility patent and have several more in process.
With a sealed microclimate you protect the contents from:
- oxidation deteriation
- reduced microfading
- bugs
- mold and mildew
- controlled humidity
- water damage
- theft/ vandalism - laminated glass