
ILUCIDARE is a three-year project supported by the Horizon 2020 Framework Programme of the European Union, which started on December 1, 2018.

The project is led by the Raymond Lemaire Institute of KU Leuven (Belgium) in partnership with KEA European Affairs, the International Cultural Centre, Cultural Heritage without Borders Kosovo, Universit of Cuenca, World Monuments Fund, Imec and Europa Nostra.

With an overall budget of nearly 3 million euros, ILUCIDARE is establishing an international network to promote heritage as a resource for innovation and international cooperation through a diversity of collaborative activities throughout the world.

The project will maintain the legacy of the European Year of Cultural Heritage 2018 and will strongly contribute to the overall objectives of the 'EU strategy for international cultural relations' as well as of EU international cooperation in research and innovation.

The project chiefly aims to:

  • Map effective heritage-led innovations and diplomacy strategies and tools;
  • Share knowledge through training, capacity building activities and interactive learning opportunities;
  • Engage with international stakeholders and practitioners through face-to-face activities and international awards

The project will demonstrate and advocate for the importance of heritage in its diverse forms for communities' well-being, social and economic innovation as well as international peaceful relations from the local to the international level.

Over three years, ILUCIDARE will develop:

  • Capacity building sessions and engaging events in 12 locations in the EU, the Western Balkans, South America, the Middle East, Northern and Sub-Saharan Africa;
  • 4 ILUCIDARE special Prizes in the framework of the European Heritage Awards / Europa Nostra Awards for innovation and international relations;
  • 1 ILUCIDARE challenge rewarding creative ideas and changemakers in the addressed fields;
  • MOOC and academic training courses
  • 1 Innovation handbook and International Relations showcase and how-to-guide on innovation and diplomacy in heritage

The ILUCIDARE network provides interactive learning to exchange knowledge as well as spaces to engage with a variety of stakeholders around the world: cultural heritage professionals, businesses and support organisations, education and research communities, governmental bodies and international institutions.


Information and links