
Culture Caleidoscoop is an online, open-access, peer-reviewed platform for sharing research and reflections on socially engaged practice in the arts, culture, and heritage sectors. It is international and interdisciplinary in scope and aims to bridge theory and practice.

Culture Caleidoscoop is open-access: it is free for all to read and to contribute to. We invite reflective practitioners, academic researchers, volunteers, and anyone else involved in this work to read, listen, watch, and contribute.


We aim to move towards a more open, equitable, inclusive, and representative landscape of producing, sharing, and valuing knowledge. Learning from and with each other, contributors and readers will reflect on ways of working and the impact of this work across disciplines, borders, and professions or practices.

Coming up

Our first call for contributions is now live. We accept short proposals (100–300 words) via email. To be included in the initial launch of the first issue, please submit a proposal by 12 April. We will continue to accept proposals to keep the conversation going on our platform.

If you want to discuss your idea for a proposal, please attend one of our drop-in events. All are welcome! You can talk about your proposal, discuss ideas for formats, and find collaborators.

Get involved

We welcome contributions from researchers, practitioners, artists, community members, volunteers, and anyone else involved in working with and for people in the arts, culture, and heritage sectors. We accept contributions in a variety of formats, such as video essays, interviews, and thought pieces.

You can also sign up for our newsletter, follow us on social media (Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn), or support us through a small monthly contribution via Patreon.

Support us

We are supported by an international, disciplinary Editorial and Advisory Collective. If you're interested in joining, please get in touch.

Culture Caleidoscoop is an independent organisation. We receive financial support from the Cultural Heritage Agency of the Netherlands as well as from individuals via Patreon. Please consider helping us through a small monthly contribution; every little bit help us maintain our independence!