The JPI Cultural Heritage and Global Change: a new challenge for Europe, coordination Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, (MiBACT Italia), in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science (RCE Olanda) organised on 27-28 February 2014 in Hague an interactive workshop concerning the “Advisory board plus” that was attended by the Advisory Board members, the JPI Executive Board members, the additional relevant European IGO’s and NGO’s and one or more EC representative(s).
In occasion of this workshop, all partners were invited to discuss strategic issues concerning the Action Programme and the JPI. The workshop offered to the Advisory Board and other participants the occasion to comment on the first set of proposed joint activities, collecting at the same time different inputs for a concept paper related to the synergies within research priorities and actions between international organizations and JPI members.
Another important objective of the workshop was to find out if IGO’s and NGO’s wanted to join in proposed activities or if they had the intention to propose new ones.