The National Research Council, the largest Italian national public research body, is about to celebrate the hundredth anniversary of its foundation on November 18, 1923.

With the support of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and the patronage of RAI (the Italian radio television), CNR has started a journey to rediscover its history, the impact of scientific research on society, the perspectives and challenges that await it, keeping in mind in every field of science the keywords: sustainability, biodiversity, ecological and digital transition, clean energy, circular economy, life sciences and one health, cultural heritage, peace and scientific diplomacy. The initiatives planned for the Centenary involve the main Italian cities and CNR research areas.

Starting on October 10 and for three days, at Manifattura Tabacchi in Florence, the prestigious headquarters of E-RIHS – European Research Infrastructure for Heritage Science, 9 micro-events will take place aimed at different audiences to talk about cultural heritage in the context of the celebrations of one hundred years since the foundation of CNR. The “Heriday” micro-event will open the event and include a talk between experts.

The 9 micro-events will deal with Cultural Heritage and the professionalism and activities that characterize this lively research sector, with different communication formats: exhibition, interactive and playful moments on scientific research and experimentation in the sector; meeting opportunities between researchers from various CNR institutes and universities, freelancers and stakeholders operating in the sector to reflect and share work experiences and scientific research strategies. The first hackathon signed by CNR ISPC will also be organised, and will see 3 teams of 12 university students from the Florentine territory and other Italian regions creatively “challenge” each other on Heritage Science themes.

The closing ceremony of the Festival will be held in the afternoon of the last day, trying to take a snapshot of the state of the art of Heritage Sciences, the perspective and challenges of the near future, a future which is already present in the world of research.

Participation is free or upon registration. For further information visit THIS LINK