On October the 27th, the International Heritage Exhibition (Salon International du Patrimoine) is back in Paris with a hybrid format, programming both in presentia and online events. The exhibition was cancelled in 2020 by reason of the second lockdown established in France between at the end of October and came back in 2021 at the Carrousel du Louvre. 2022 marks the 26th edition of this initiative that gathers several actors and professionals in the heritage field au tour of a specific thematic. The thematic of the current edition is “Sustainable development, the DNA of Cultural Heritage”.

The very hybrid format implemented for this year has been adopted for the exhibition to have a lower carbon impact while expanding its program. However, for those who whish to attend the event in presentia, 350 exhibitors (twelve more than the past edition) will hold their stands in the Carousel du Louvre by the 30th October.

The experts of several domains of cultural heritage such as restoration, safeguard and promotion of tangible and intangible heritage, will be gathered in several round tables to debate over the role of Cultural Heritage in Sustainable Development Initiatives. Exhibitors, for their part, will have the chance to highlight the solutions they advocate as, for instance, the G7 for the protection of heritage, an initiative that would bring together the seven major heritage associations targeted to support the energy transition of old heritage. Sustainable development involves especially traditional know-how, practices and intangible heritage. To celebrate the importance of this issue, a project promoting rare know-how will be awarded by Ateliers d’Art de France and the VMF (Vieilles Maisons françaises) in the scope of the Métiers d’art and Built heritage prize.

The president of the union Ateliers d’Art de France and coordinator of the exhibition, Ms. Aude Tahon, stated: “By reason of its very essence, Heritage is the bearer of an eco-responsible approach. All of the players that we unite within the show, both companies, heritage architects and associations, have been addressing this subject of the durability and ecology of materials for a long time, pointing out the scarcity of materials, the difficulties of supply, depletion of resources. In particular the built heritage, which must find the materials locally and perpetuate them (stone, wood)”.


Boutoulle Myria, Écologie et culture : la grande réconciliation au Salon du patrimoine 2022 à Paris, 26/10/2022, Connaissance des Arts

Photo by Hugo Delauney on Unsplash