The Austrian Film Museum is looking for partner institutions for a collaborative heritage research project for the specific topic of mould for a future call in the field of Cultural Heritage or similar funding opportunities.

The topic would be: Effective cleaning practices for photographic film (biopolymers/ synthetical polymers coated with gelatin which holds silver and color particles, sometimes as well with magnetic coating for sound tracks) from mould, for long term storage. This research would preferably cover different for museums and archives doable cleaning methods like gamma radiation treatment and Isopropanol treatment as liquid and fumes. It would give answers on the efficacy in terms of mould killing and on harm for the treated materials. The overall goal would be to find a practical way to clean big masses of film from mould infestation while knowing of the risks of damage to the material. The research question should be either a single research project or should be embedded in a bigger related project. The research results would be of high interest for other museums and archives with audio-visual heritage.

The Austrian Film Museum can provide needed test material and assistance. If you are interested please contact Vanessa Scharrer, Film Archivist at the Austrian Film Museum in Vienna, Austria: