The EU-funded project, CulTourData has opened a Call for proposals for Small and Medium-sized Tourism Enterprises that are located in European Capitals of Culture (ECoCs) – past, present and future.
Up to 40 support grants of seven thousand EURO each will be offered to successful applicants to help realise their data-driven projects using creative approaches for enriching customer experiences of cultural heritage, events and tourism products.
The facts
Application deadline: 3rd May, 2023, 17:00 hours CET (Brussels time)
CulTourData project will award 60 (sixty) lump sum grants of 7.000 EUR to tourism SMEs
Awarded SMEs
Expected outputs:
- Proof of concept, prototype and/or beta test of data collection, analysis, visualization, reporting system
- Executive Roadmap for the implementation of a data collection, analysis, visualization, reporting system
- Digital and Data technologies readiness certificate to prove the upskilling towards the use of data collection, analysis, visualization, reporting system.
The information related to the project implementation, and specifically the achievement of these outputs will be
described in a technical report, whose template will be provided during the lump sum implementation.
Matchmaking SMEs with technological and creative partners
The CulTourData project teams in Germany, Italy, Portugal, Slovakia and Spain will support tourism SMEs by guiding them to make a better use of data in their business. To this end, the CulTourData call will offer grants aiming to:
- support tourism SMEs through the promotion of up–skilling, capacity building and digitalization;
- foster a triple–helix cooperation among tourism SMEs, creatives and data analysis experts;
- provide ongoing mentoring and tutoring support to the awarded SMEs;
- foster networking at the European level by offering SMEs access to international collaboration platforms and networks.
Participants will benefit from a collaborative creativity–oriented matchmaking in addition to opportunities for financial support.
Further information and Application Pack
- Visit the CulTourData website to learn more about the project, find out how to get involved and register as an SME, Data Specialist or Creative Professional
- Download the Call for Applicants Document in PDF format Read the eligibility conditions (Who can apply?), the Evaluation Criteria and find details of National Contact Points, for further information and guidance
- Go directly to the Open Call Application Page on our partner site, Deus