This year, the International Seminar on Heritage Interpretation and Presentation for Future Generations will address the growing challenges to understanding narratives of war at heritage sites. The inclusion of underrepresented voices related to war is necessary for a balanced understanding of history and countering disinformation, bias, and discrimination.

Our goal is to collect the best practices for interpreting and presenting heritage sites related to various human rights issues during wartime. We will also advocate for the role of civil society and media for a balanced delivery of holistic history in countering historical revisionism and the spread of fake news. Additionally, we aim to promote future generations’ understanding of and participation in approaching history and human rights issues through heritage interpretation.

The event is open to all interested individuals, and we encourage you to join us for this important discussion. The seminar will take place on June 15th, 2023 at VU Amsterdam, and will also be accessible through Zoom. For more information and to register, please visit the website of Our World Heritage.