The lake wellness, and the preservation of the archaeological heritage contained in, is threatened by anthropogenic pressures and climate changes. Some lakes are very sensitive to eutrophication and due to severe drought seasons they are risk being dried up even disappearing forever. Lakes are a treasure of paleoenvironmental information which can be extrapolated by some disciplines such as palynology, archaebotany, dendrochronology, they can be considered an indicator of the environmental changes and an instrument to predict the possible scenarios for the future. The study of lakes is highly developed, especially in the Alpine areas, both for Cultural Heritage (archaeological wooden piles or other types of artifacts) and for the environment surrounding it (water, sediments, flora and fauna of the surrounding area). However, other regions such as Mediterranean and Volcanic lakes are less known and more research needs to be developed.

The aim of the workshop is to establish a network of researchers involved in the study of lakes cultural heritage, with particular reference to the wooden pile dwellings and other archaeological remains. However the workshop aims to exchange knowledge and experience at a very interdisciplinary lever involving all the skills revolving the  eco-archaeo system.

Keywords: water quality, lake sediment, lake monitoring, lake tourism, pile dwelling, conservation and restauration in Cultural Heritage, paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental history reconstruction, palynology, archaeobotany, dendrochronology, wood conservation.

Subscribe here and submit your abstract: The deadline for the abstract submission is 10 September, accepted contributes will be communicated by 15 September. The link will be shared some days before the meeting to the subscribers.

Tuesday, September 27th, 2022, University of Tuscia (UNITUS), Department for Innovation in Biological, Agro-food and Forest systems (DIBAF), Via Sa Camillo De Lellis, 01100 Viterbo (VT)

 Scientific Commettee

Manuela Romagnoli, Vittorio Vinciguerra, Maria Cristina Moscatelli, Luigi Portoghesi

Raquel Piqué,

Gilles Chaumat,

Marco Ciabattoni, Giulia Galotta, Barbara Barbaro, Antonella Di Giovanni

Organizing Commette

Florian Zikeli, Swati Tamantini, Sara Bergamasco, Federica Antonelli
