The 7th ARCH_RNT (2022) will be held in Kalamata, Greece, in person, from 6 to 8 October, 2022, organized by the Laboratory of Archaeometry, University of the Peloponnese. The Symposium focuses on the use of New Technologies in the Archaeological Research (Archaeometry, Engineering, Computing and Digital Technologies) notably with the presentation of interdisciplinary approaches, special case studies and research on archaeological material and collections.

We welcome abstracts addressing Research in Cultural Heritage. Some indicative but not limiting topics are Absolute Dating, Material Analysis, Paleo-Environment Reconstructions and Digital Technologies.

All abstracts will be eligible for publication in a Special Issue of a renowned peer-reviewed journal. You can find the abstract template here.

Abstracts should be submitted by May 31, 2022 at

For more information please visit the website of the Laboratory of Archaeometry.