The 5th User Meeting, hosted by the HS Academy in partnership with the Joint Programming Initiative on Cultural Heritage and Global Change (JPI CH), continues a series of webinars designed to showcase and analyze JPI CH-funded projects. This event, taking place on 14th November 2023, at 3 pm (Rome time zone) via the ZOOM webinar platform, will dive into the conservation of concrete heritage.
Ms. Cristiana Nunes will offer insights into the JPI CH-funded project she coordinated, titled “Conservation of 20th-century Concrete Cultural Heritage in Urban Changing Environments” (CONSECH 20). The project, funded via the JPI CH Heritage in Changing Environments joint call, is dedicated to conserving and protecting the diverse and historical 20th-century concrete heritage buildings, which face unique challenges due to their architectural variety and experimental use of materials. This European initiative, active from 2019 to 2021, focuses on both technical and social aspects, aiming to promote social integration and cultural tourism, encourage participatory monitoring and conservation, and engage citizens in the protection of modern architectural heritage. Through the involvement of stakeholders, the project aims to raise awareness about the cultural value of these structures while developing tools for the efficient assessment of damage and promoting sustainability in the conservation of these architectural treasures.
This event is the second of a series of three strategically designed by the JPI CH and the HS Academy to shed light on the large array of projects funded by the JPI. Each session has a dedicated focus on one project, with the aim of analyzing its impact and results and strengthening the collaboration between these two networks of heritage professionals and researchers.
Registration is mandatory to attend the event. . The JPI CH and the HS Academy encourage participation from all over the world. After Ms. Nunes’ intervention, there will be room for conversation, allowing the audience to share insights and engage in a prominent discussion. See you on 14th November!