Religious Heritage Innovator of the Year 2022: Call for Entries

The Religious Heritage Innovator of the Year is a competition launched by FRH, the leading organization for safeguarding European historic places of worship, to highlight…

JPI Cultural Heritage and JPI Climate Join Together to Hold a Session at the Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress 2022

Friday, 24 June 2022 from 9:00 to 10:30 am CEST Climate change is having an increasing and lasting impact on our environment and society. Cultural…

INCULTUM Project: Report on Participatory Models in Sustainable Tourism

H2020 project INCULTUM aims at researching and exploring the full potential of sustainable tourism in marginal and peripheral areas, that can be enliven and valued…

New European Bauhaus: Five lighthouse projects to be financed across Europe

Background The New European Bauhaus (NEB) aims to bridge the worlds of art, culture and education with science and technology. Horizon Europe plays a key…

Animation Explains: What Are Heritage Futures and Why Do They Matter?

Watch now! There’s a new animation to explain the heritage futures work of @UnescoChairLNU.  This short animation explains the need for futures thinking among cultural heritage…

Cultural Heritage Enriched With AI-Generated Image Captions: “Christ on the Cross with the Virgin, Saint John the Evangelist, and Saint Catherine of Siena in Adoration”

Author: Cédric Bhihe, researcher at the Barcelona Supercomputing Center In a previous post we briefly showed how objects detected in an image by means of…

These Are Our Biggest Challenges According to Young Heritage Professionals

Jean, European Heritage Tribune. April 28, 2022. (Read the original article on EHT) As 2022 has been proclaimed the European Year of Youth, the heritage…

Crowdsourcing Campaign to Generate Natural Language Descriptions Automatically

Automatic image captioning is a process that allows already trained models running on commodity computers to generate textual descriptions from an image. To date, no…

UNCHARTED: Introduction to the Project’s Work Program and Deliverables

UNCHARTED is a four years research and innovation action about understanding, capturing and fostering the societal value of culture. Funded by the EU Horizon 2020…

Culture Caleidoscoop Call for Contributions Still Accepting Proposals

At Culture Caleidoscoop, we believe that conversations should be ongoing. We want to continue to be a host for continuing conversations on our journal issue…