Funded projects
Partners involved
4,9 M €

Call Facts

Opening date: 24th April 2017
Closing date: 22nd June 2017
Organisation in charge of the call: The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)
Contact: See JPI CH Digital Herital Call for Proposals

Presentation of the call

The Digital Heritage call supported well-defined, transnational, interdisciplinary and collaborative research and development projects that maximize the value and impact of research outcomes by promoting the exchange with policymakers, businesses and commercial enterprises, the broader heritage sector, voluntary and community groups and the general public.

Digital Heritage is an important emerging field of inter-disciplinary research in which a wide range of digital methods are applied to the creation, exploration, study, understanding, interpretation, presentation, dissemination of tangible and intangible heritage, whether digitized or born-digital. It also includes the use of digital methodologies for the conservation and protection of heritage and for promoting the community engagement with, and use of, heritage.

A project proposal had to comprise of at least three research teams, each based in an eligible institution in a different country participating in the Digital Heritage Call.

Pre-announcement JPICH Digital Heritage Call

JPICH Digital Heritage Call for Proposals

JPICH Digital Heritage FAQs and Glossary version 20 June

JPICH DH Budget Tables

JPICH DH Proposal template

JPICH DH Guidelines to submit a proposal

In order to help researchers or interested partners to find partners in other countries and organisations, an email group (called JPICH-DIGITALHERITAGECALL) had been set up: JPICH DH Partner Matching Tool



The call included three main topics:

  • The critical: engagements with Digital Heritage
  • The curatorial: Communities and Digital Heritage
  • Safeguarding Digital Heritage

Eight projects were selected for funding:

  • ARCH - Ancient Coinage as Related Cultural Heritage
  • CADEAH - European History Reloaded: Curation and Duration of Digital Audiovisual Heritage
  • DigiCONFLICT - Digital Heritage in Cultural Conflicts
  • DigiDogon - Digitizing Dogon Heritage. The Legacy of Abirè, The Dogon prophet
  • DReaM - The Dictionary /Grammar Reading  Machine: the Computational Tool for Accessing the World's Linguistic Heritage
  • HOME - History of Medieval Europe
  • READ IT - Reading Europe Advanced-Data Investigation Tool
  • SCHEDAR - Safeguarding the Cultural HEritage of Dance through Augmented Reality

Funding institutions & partners

National Academy of science (NASB)
Research Promotion Foundation (RPF)
Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports (MEYS)
Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR)
The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (NWO)
The Research Council of Norway (RCN)
Ministry of Culture and National Heritage
El Ministerio de Economía y Empresa (MINECO)
Swedish National Heritage Board, Vetenskapsrådet
Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC)